Through no fault of your own, you are stuck in a painful limbo. Your certainties, your life and your security are gone.
One morning, after years and even decades, you suddenly feel forgotten, lost, unwelcome, unwanted, betrayed. PLAY Accepts 60+ Coins Review (4.8/5) 2 Bitsler 125 Deposit Bonus & VIP Rewards Casino and Sportsbook (Esports section) VIP Program - Chests and Rakeback Earn crypto with BTSLR tokens for free PLAY Accepts Many Cryptocurrencies Review (4. Then one day, your country decides to vote to leave the European Union, which means that all the rules you have built your life on are going to change. Imagine you built a life there, married, had children, a career, started a business… You felt happy and totally integrated.

The dance involves a horizontal bar, which can be anything: a long wooden pole, a broom handle, a curtain rod you name it.

You’ll know immediately when someone or a party is hosting a limbo dance session. And we do mean it: there’s no other dance like it out there. Imagine you fell deeply in love with your new country. Final Words Limbo Dance Definition Limbo is a unique dance. Imagine you truly believed that the European Union was your home and that, as well as being a citizen of the country you were born in, you are also a citizen of Europe.

Imagine… Imagine you left your native country because you wanted to explore your neighbourhood world and embrace the European dream.