For nearly 150 years, Dietz lanterns have been known around the world as “The Old Reliable. Dietz Company was a lighting products manufacturer. Dietz Company was closed in the United States in 1992. In 1982 the Dietz lantern factory was moved from Hong Kong into China. The Dietz Brass Hurricane Lantern is a classic choice for non-electric lighting. We are the exclusive manufacturer of the Three-Face Pattern Glass Oil lamps. Dietz Company moved to Hong Kong in 1956, and all Dietz lantern production ceased in the U.S.A. Dietz Original 76 Cold Blast Kerosene Lantern. is your one-stop source and Authorized Dealer for Aladdin Lamps, Parts, & Accessories along with Feuerhand and Dietz Lanterns. The new lanterns offered below are not reproductions, but are a continuation of production on original tooling and presses, with some models now over 100 years old. Image of a man in a suit and bow tie holding a lantern on the front of a three-fold leaflet advertisement for Dietz Lanterns manufactured by R.E. Dietz Company manufactured hundreds of lantern models, and pioneered the automotive lighting industry. The lantern gives off a 12-candlepower light, burns continuously for up to 26 hours without refuelling and goes out automatically if the lantern tips over. The following decade Robert sold his interest in “Dietz & Company” to begin manufacturing “Irwin Patent” tubular lanterns after buying the defunct Archer and Pancoast Company from a receiver in 1868. Robert and his brother Michael patented the first practical flat wick burner especially designed for the then new fuel oil, kerosene, in 1859. Robert Edwin Dietz first began selling whale oil and camphene lamps and lanterns in 1840 at the age of 22. The Dietz Lantern was first introduced in 1900, and has been produced in at least seven distinct variations continuously over the past 108 years.